Introducing the PSI Dryglove System

What is PSI?

The PSI Dryglove System is the latest dryglove system from Pacific Scuba Industries, in conjunction with fourth element. Made from anodized aluminium, the PSI Dryglove System is a high quality and intuitive dryglove system which is popular with recreational and technical divers alike.

What are its advantages?

The PSI Dryglove System is very easy to use and operate. By using a simple ‘push and twist’ method, divers can quickly and securely fasten their drygloves to their suit. And if you need to replace a silicone seal at the dive site, you can pop out the system and replace the seal without specialist equipment.

How does the system work, how do I install it?

The PSI Dryglove System uses an intuitive and easy ‘push and twist’ installation method to attach drygloves. By lining up the marks on the aluminium rings and twisting, the system is locked into place. To remove the drygloves, simply twist back to re-align the marks, and remove.

What’s the difference between ‘Standard’ and ‘XL’?

We offer a total of four different PSI Dryglove System sets, split into two different sizes. 

The ‘Standard’ PSI Dryglove System sets (part codes are: DSPSICOM, & DSPSICOMS), are compatible with the same PU-ring which is used in several popular modular wrist seal systems such as Si-Tech QCS Oval, and Fourth Element Ellipse. We offer two variations of the ‘Standard’ set, one which contains retaining rings to accommodate thick drygloves (DSPSICOM), and one to accommodate thinner drygloves, such as Marigolds (DSPSICOMS). 

The ‘XL’ PSI Dryglove System sets (part codes are: DSPSICOMXLL, & DSPSICOMXLS) are compatible with the larger, round ring as used in the Si-Tech QCP modular system. We recommend the ‘XL’ sets only for customers with very large hands. Again, we offer two variations, one with retaining rings for thick drygloves (DSPSICOMXLL), and one with retaining rings for thinner drygloves (DSPSICOMXLS).

What’s included in the sets?

Each PSI Dryglove System set will contain the following items:

  • Suit side rings (pair)
  • Glove ring rings (pair)
  • Retaining rings (pair)
  • Sealing o-rings to attach drygloves (set of 4)
  • Envelope containing 2 x spare sealing o-rings
  • Pry tool to enable replacement of silicone seals
  • 5ml tub of silicone grease
  • Presentation box with full instructions

Please note that if you purchase your Argonaut with PSI Dryglove System, you will already have part of the system installed as part of our quality control and final checks, including silicone wrist seals. The remaining items will be provided in the presentation box. 

What sets do you offer?

PSI Dryglove System ‘Standard’ with retaining rings for thick drygloves – DSPSICOM

This set is compatible with the PU ring which is glued into the drysuit sleeve for several modular systems including Si-Tech QCS Oval and Fourth Element Ellipse. If you are currently using either of these systems, you’ll be able to fit the PSI Dryglove System without specialist equipment. This set comes with retaining rings for thick drygloves.

PSI Dryglove System ‘Standard’ with retaining rings for thin drygloves – DSPSICOMS

This set is compatible with the PU ring which is glued into the drysuit sleeve for several modular systems including Si-Tech QCS Oval and Fourth Element Ellipse. If you are currently using either of these systems, you’ll be able to fit the PSI Dryglove System without specialist equipment. This set comes with retaining rings for thin drygloves.

PSI Dryglove System ‘XL’ with retaining rings for thick drygloves – DSPSICOMXLL

This set is compatible with the larger, round ring which is glued into the drysuit sleeve for the Si-Tech QCP modular system. We recommend this system for customer with larger hands only. If you are currently using this system, you’ll be able to fit the PSI Dryglove System without specialist equipment. This set comes with retaining rings for thick drygloves.

PSI Dryglove System ‘XL’ with retaining rings for thin drygloves – DSPSICOMXLS

This set is compatible with the larger, round ring which is glued into the drysuit sleeve for the Si-Tech QCP modular system. We recommend this system for customer with larger hands only. If you are currently using this system, you’ll be able to fit the PSI Dryglove System without specialist equipment. This set comes with retaining rings for thin drygloves.

Can I buy spare components separately?

Yes, we offer all parts of the PSI Dryglove System set to buy individually, including the retaining rings. By having both types of retaining rings, you’ll be able to attach thinner or thicker gloves depending on your dive.

I’m not sure what set I need, what do I do?

If you’re still not certain which PSI Dryglove System set you need, please email our drysuit team at, where one of our experienced team members will be able to help you.

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